Flannel Friday: Paintbrushes

This week I made and used these super fun paint brushes that I originally saw at Storytime Katie (and she credits Anne’s Library Life).

I use them with Anne’s rhyme too:

I know the colors of the rainbow.
Do you know them too?
If one color were missing,
Would you know which hue?

I start with the paintbrushes in random order and then after a few tries, I mix them up and make it a little harder. I’ve used this one with two preschools and two sets of storytime kids and all of them loved this new game!

You can find this week’s round-up at Storytime with Miss Mollie!

Toddler Storytime: Ducks

It turns out there aren’t actually that many duck books for toddlers, so we ended up doing more a general bird theme.

We read…

What Will Hatch? by Jennifer Ward
A Good Day by Kevin Henkes
One Duck Stuck by Phyllis Root

We sang…
Well, Hello Everybody
Can You Shake Along With Me?
Shake Your Shakers
If You’re Happy and You Know It

We wiggled…
Open, Shut Them
Dance Your Fingers Up
This is Big, Big, Big
Two Little Duckies (it’s Two Little Blackbirds… but with ducks!)

We played…


Why, Five Little Ducks, of course! I managed to forget the words completely, so I asked my patrons to help me out and an older brother of one of the toddlers lead us through the rhyme. It was great, I couldn’t have planned it better!

We made…

Credit: Domestic Mommyhood

We painted ducks with yellow paint and pom poms! This is one of my favorite crafts to do because gripping the clothespins and using them to pick up the pom poms is so great for fine motor skills. I do use the pom poms instead of cotton balls because I’ve found the cotton balls will unwind or fall apart when too much paint is used (and 100% of toddlers will use too much paint). It’s an easy craft that you can use with literally anything. It makes really lovely textures too!

Our literacy tip…

Even when your child isn’t sitting still or looking at the book, they’re still listening and absorbing what’s going on around them. Moving and playing is how young kids learn and interact with the world.